Sailor Moon SS  

Queen Neherenia was the leader of the Dead Moon Circus in Sailor Moon Super S. She was the one that gave the orders to Zoirconia. Her main goal in Sailor Moon Super S was to find and kill the Pegasus in human dreams. And as usual she atemped to take Mamoru from Usagi and become queen of the Earth. She was destroy at the end of Sailor Moon Super S. but she played a little role in Sailor Moon Sailor Stars.

Zirconia was a woman. Tryed to be leader of the Dead Moon Circus. She gave the orders to the Amizon Trio and the Amizoness Quartet. She was told to find th Pegasus with the help of the Trio and Quartet.

Fish Eye was the leader of the Trio. He was the most feminine of the Trio. His outfit looks like an air mattress. He has a fish-skeleton belt and high-heels. He has the longest haid and its in a pony tail.

Hawks Eye was like a brother to Fish Eye and Tiger Eye. The Trio worked together in there battles. Hawks Eye wears a strange tube top, Skirt and tights. His hair is shortest and stands on end.

Tiger Eye always tryes to help the other two in the Trio. He has the tube top like Hawks Eye but has thigh-high boots. All of the Trio were healed by Sailor Moon.

CereCere was the leader of the Quartet. They took over after the Trio was healed. Like the 4 Sisters in Sailor Moon R, each memeber of the quarted is equal to a Senshi. CereCere is equal to Sailor Venus.

JunJun has really neat pants and hair. Here equal is Sailor Jupiter.

BesuBesu (pronounced: VesVes) She has the most style and is Equal to Sailor Mars.

ParaPara (pronounced: PallaPalla) She has the neatest outfit. She loves magic, she switched the ages of Usagi and Chibi-Usa once. She is equal to Mercury. As with the Trio the Quartet was healed by Sailor Moon. They all became Senshi of there own astroids.

This is near the end hope you like it...

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